Sobel test result indicates thatpositive significant effect of hedonic consumptionon impulse buyingis mediated by positive emotions. T test results show that there are positive significant effects of hedonic consumption on impulse buying, hedonic consumption also gives positive significant effect on positive emotion, and there are positive significant effects of positive emotions on impulse buying. The sources of hedonistic product are generally explained from the aspects of the product’s own attributes and individual characteristics. The path analysis result shows that positive emotions are proven to be the mediator of hedonic consumption on impulse buying. In daily life, besides utilitarian and practical consumption, people also tend to choose hedonistic consumption that brings a variety of senses, emotions and pleasure.

The data analysis tool used is path analysis.

Hypothesis testing uses t test and sobel test. Questionnaires are used to collect the data in this study. The data source in this study is the primary data source. The samples in this study is 100 respondents and the sampling technique used purposive sampling with the criteria of respondents who live or occupy the Malang City for at least one year, have Shopee marketplace applications, have made unplanned purchases (impulse buying) on flashsale at the marketplace Shopee. The populations in this study are people in Malang City who have Shopee marketplace applications. This type of research is explanatory research.

This study aims to determine and analyze the impact of hedonic consumption on impulse buying through positive emotions on flash sale marketplace Shopee consumers in Malang City.